Friday, May 29, 2009

Liberation of a Repressed Man: Katja Shugaeva

Katja's project is a liberation project for repressed people who struggle with the pressures of society. People who are trapped in a world between things they feel they HAVE TO do and things they feel, they NOT ALLOWED TO do can now watch how someone liberates herself from these burdens. Dressed up as an average business man, her hair strictly pulled back and wearing a tie, Katja hits the streets. Approaching people randomly, Katja holds out a roll of tape to to them and asks them to write down with a marker onto her tape, all the things that they feel like they HAVE TO do. Finally, when her tape is used up and she is completely suffocating and trapped in all those imperatives, Katja searches for someone who would tie her loose and liberate her.

People are very receptive to this idea, as everyone loves it, when they get a chance to talk about their struggles!

Especially the children who have just come out from class: they literally attack her and want to use up her whole roll of tape at once, as they feel there are so many things they are forced to do.

As she manages to free herself from the hord and move on to also give an other social demographic a chance, she finds many more people from most various backgrounds. 

Some people are too busy, or too important to participate in such silly things, They have to work!!

Otherwise, the list consists of studying, going to school, washing the windows, to even having to deal with the consequences of not having married the man one truly was in love with. 

People are cooperative and thankful and again, walk away with a smile and a lighter heart. 

At one point when Kaia’s body is so wrapped up in tape that she can’t move anymore and the roll of tape is almost used up. So she waits until the right person walks by, the person who can free her from her shackles and burdens!


It feels good not to be tied up by duties anymore, she says!

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